mandag 2. mai 2011


Picture courtesy of Lene (borrowing my Canon 450D).
This easter I went to London with some friends. It's the first time I haven't been with my family during easter, just like this New Year's Eve (2010-2011) was the first one with friends rather than family. I am a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to celebrating holidays, so it was weird not being with my family both at the start of the year and this Easter. It was a lot of fun though.
So, as I said, I went to London, which was quite different from my previous Easters in the mountains, when I've been skiing. The weather was a bit better than in Oslo. Most notably temperature-wise, as it was more summer-y with around 20 degrees centigrade (compared to 15 in Oslo).
I will try to blog about one day at a time, so that there won't be one massive post today, and none tomorrow and the day after and so on. Today you'll have a short intro to the trip, and then my first day in London.

Day 1 - Friday
The first day was the day we left Oslo, and arrived in London. Not a lot happened, since we landed at 23.00. But we did ride a classic London cab from Liverpool Street station to our hostel Clink78 close to King's Cross station. And when we came into our room, someone had taken one of the beds we were given (yes, they had given us certain beds, rather than letting us choose).

Tomorrow's post (Tuesday) will be about my second day in London.


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