søndag 17. april 2011


Easter means spring is (almost) here. At least in Oslo. It also means the end of my fast/lent.

The last week, temperatures have been up to approximately 16 degrees centigrade, or "t-shirt weather" as I like to call it. The next step is "shorts weather" btw. Seeing the sun high in the sky, and being able to go outside without a jacket, and also the fact that it's light out longer than 6pm has lightened my mood. The fact that I'm almost done with all my obligatory assignments this semester also helps, even though I feel far from prepared for my exams in May/June, but I won't worry about those yet.

Since spring is here, I've done a bit of spring cleaning, even though I should probably do about three times as much. Hopefully my flat won't look too bad for Good Friday, but I'm not promising myself anything. Hehe.

So, lent ends 22./23. April, I'm not exactly sure which day, but it doesn't really matter, as I don't mind waiting until after I've seen the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who on the 23rd. I'm not watching it just anywhere either. I'm actually in London at the time, and will for the first time ever see an episode as it is being aired on BBC1. And then, I'll have a pint. Yeah!

Me and 6 of my friends are going to London this Easter, and will be staying there for a few days. I hope, since we are so many, that we'll do more sightseeing than me and my friends did in Edinburgh and Berlin last year. But of course we're not going to avoid shops at all costs. I for one really want to find a shop with Doctor Who merch (and other geeky stuff), buy a ukulele and go to Camden Market. If I know my friends right, I won't be going alone to any of those places.

When it comes to sightseeing I'm not very picky (although I expect Madamme Tussauds to be severly over-priced), and I'd just like to walk around part of the city, looking at the builings and people. The only thing that is a must for me, is watching the musical Lion King, and I'm confident we will go see it one night.


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